Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rain's Big Hollywood Risk (Part 1)

*The Distance Between A Boy And A Man*

An innocent face, a killer body. This statement looks like it was meant for Rain. With a body stature standing at 1.84 meters and a desirable boyish face, it’s no wonder that the character of the big star Lee Young-jae in was brought to life, including making his jaw-clenching appearances look less fierce, just lovable. Even though such a chauvinistic male always made such childish mistakes, it just left people with a favorable impression.

Usually if a man can simultaneously carry out two or more kinds of contradicting appearances, then that would just make him an extraordinary idol/star, for example the natural hot body Yosuke Kubozuka, or the innocent yet vicious Johnny Depp. What women want, is the kind of person that stands between a boy and a man. Rain takes the two and fuses them both into one in a strange sort of way. He can jump right into the dance for the “3 Little Bears” nursery rhyme, as well as be Asia’s 2nd-to-none dancing king, and at concerts, he wells up audiences till their noses bleed.

When it’s time to be simple he’s simple, when it’s time to be sexy he’s sexy. This is the enchanting power of Rain.

With hitting the screens on mainland, it is only because of Rain’s supporting role in it that has made him the biggest promotional image for advertising; in this movie he is the star whom we are most familiar with. But in Hollywood, he chose such a role--a melancholy, talented Asian race car driver called “Taejo”, to meet with audiences for the first time.

Last year Rain’s US concerts were canceled, and presently has by no means achieved its anticipated success in the American and European box offices. In actuality, it is not that Rain is unlucky, but it is only because there is not enough time.

*Huge Hollywood Risk* Q&A

Q: In the movie you are a racecar driver, in real life have you ever driven racing cars?
A: I have not driven racing cars in real life, but I am a speed demon. Whenever I’m in the US or Germany, I will drive on my own to get around.

Q: What was the biggest difficulty that you experienced while filming ?
A: During actual film shooting, speaking in English, for me, was not an easy matter. I have a manager beside me who speaks English, he is a very good study partner. Apart from that having to film a race car sequence in front of the green screen without any other images was very difficult. There were times when the film site would reach temperatures of as high as 40°C, the race car driver’s attire was so thick, I was sweating a lot.

Q: What kind of impression did car racing give you? Besides car racing, what other ‘movements’ do you like?
A: I have not attempted to race cars in real life, but I can use “fantastic”, “thrill” and other terms to describe it. I usually like jogging as well as other activities that require using muscles, sweating after a good workout feels really good.

Q: Were you very nervous when you used English during your audition before your idols the Wachowski Brothers?
A: Because I practiced a lot beforehand, I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be. In fact, I was even more nervous when I filmed my first scene of the movie in front of them.

Q: What your fans are concerned about, is whether you’ll hold your own individual concert or fan meeting here in China in the near future?
A: This year I plan to have a big activity in Asia. Meanwhile we are discussing over an active plan for a music record there. I ask that everyone please look forward to my activities in China.

Q: This movie is a Hollywood production, what do you think are the differences between this and Korean movie making? And after this do you plan to continue forward towards Hollywood or stay in Asia to develop?
A: I think in the aspect of the system of filming, Hollywood has more organizational strength compared to Korean movies, and moreover the treatments given to actors are very good, perhaps this is because there is a larger amount of fund support. But for Korean movies, there is a sense of a big family atmosphere at the film site, after filming you can still get-together very closely with everyone from the drama crew. No matter where it is, as long as there is a good opportunity I will want to be a part of it.

Q: In this international movie production, what did you do when you and other actors of different nationalities communicate? Also please comment on your partners.
A: 80% or more of this movie was done through computer-generated special effects, so the opportunity to work with other actors was few. I’ve always been a fan of Susan Sarandon, so I was always earnestly trying to communicate with her. Matthew Fox also helped a lot with my English lines.

Q: You are now acting in , can you chat a bit about the kind of preparation you did for this movie?
A: For this movie I’ve had to control the built of my own body in a strict manner, it’s been very difficult. I’ve trained with the fighting stunt team from the movie <300> as well. After which I have also worked to the point where I’m personally satisfied with my own acrobatic fighting levels and stature. This movie is estimated to hit the screens at the beginning of next year.

Q: Which actor has the biggest influence on you? What part of you do you admit that is most like him?
A: When I was young, I was deeply touched by Al Pacino’s performance when I watched him in . I do not dare to say that I’m like him, I just hope to learn his art of acting, and from now on I hope very much for the opportunity to work with him.

***END OF PART 1****

Credit: 轉自:http://bbs.raincn.com/
Posted by dada@RainHK
Translated & edited by dsl99a@Rain-USA & SexyBi
As shown on Soompi

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