Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rain to Give Collaborative Concert in Germany

Entertainer Rain will hold a concert in Dresden, Germany this may with the German cellist Jan Vogler.

Earlier we reported that Rain will be holding a concert in Germany. On April 8th it was officially confirmed that the Korean entertainer and German cellist Jan Vogler will be holding a collaborative concert entitle "Dresden Music Festival Concert: Rain & Vogler" at Semperoper opera house in Dresden, Germany through the venue's website.

The concert will revolve around the theme "Asian pop meets European classic", and will be held on May 19th at 9PM. Unfortunately, the event is completely sold out, but promises to be a fantastic night for those who were able to nab seats.

Semperoper homepage, through which the event was also announced, introduces Rain to a world as "Asia's Michael Jackson", and "an actor and singer whose music covers a wide range of genres from Pop and R&B to Hip Hop."

Source: gokpop

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