Friday, March 11, 2011

Rain at an air base in Daegu today

대구 공항이 아니고 공군 비행장에 오심..
흰색밴타고 오셨어..
다른 배우분들도 봤는데
이렇게 봤어
비느는 미니팬미팅때 입었던 블랙 가디건하고 블랙진? 입었던것 같음..
그리고 모자(캡)쓰셨고..
다른 배우분들 머리는 약간 짧은편이였어...
밴에서 내려서 다른 배우분들한테 먼저 출발할께요 인사할때 살짝 봤음..
비느 먼저 출발하고 다른 배우분들 하나씩 출발하셨고
물어보니 오늘 영화 촬영하러 내려온것은 아니라고 함..
공군측하고 언제 촬영 가능한지 조율중인것 같았음..

그리고 남중딩들이 많았었는데 신세경이 출발하면서 밴 창문 열고 인사했거든
그랬더니 남중딩들 신세경 봤다고 좋다고 하닌까
옆에 경비보는분이 비도 왔었다고 하면서 엄청 자랑하심ㅋㅋㅋ
그러니까 애들이 헉 비도 왔었대 대박이다 했음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Riding in a white van, Rain arrived at an air base in the area, not at Daegu Airport.
Besides Rain, the other actors such as 'Kim Seong Soo', 'Yu Joon Sahng', 'O Dahl Soo', and actress 'Shin Se Kyung' were seen.

Rain was wearing a black cardigan which is the same one he had worn to his mini fan meeting, black pants that look like jeans, and a cap.

Actors who were there with him tended to have slightly short hairs.
I took a peek at his face as he was saying good bye to everyone there by saying that he would go first.
After he left, the others did one by one.

When I asked why they were there, I was told that they didn't come to the place in order to shoot a film.
So I thought that they visited there to make the arrangement for the making of the film.

When actress 'Shin Se Kyung' opened her car door to say farewell to some middle school boys there before she left, they were excited. And then when a security man boasted that he even saw Rain, they were becoming more excited about it themselves.

Source: 마력비@
Brief translation by rain

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