Wednesday, December 15, 2010

jtunecamp0625's post on Twitter


안녕하세요 제이튠캠프입니다.요새 근황을 좀 말씀드리자면 지훈씨는 드라마 종영후 연말 콘서트 연습에 박차를 가하고 있고 엠블랙은 다음달 출시되는 정규1집 마무리 작업 단계에 있답니다.팬여러분들 항상 관심 가져주셔서 감사합니다.추운겨울 감기 조심하세요!.

Hi, this is J.Tune Camp.

Let me tell you how Rain is getting along. Rain has been gearing up to prepare for his year-end concert since his drama went off the air. MBLAQ is in the final stage of completing their first regular album to be released next month.

Thank you for all your support and interest in us.

It's cold outside these days. Please be careful not to catch a cold!

English translation credit: rain

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