Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rain's special album presales are brisk

Singer and actor Rain's special album presale has been receiving an enthusiastic response even before its release.

An official from his agent J.Tune Entertainment said on the 24th, "The volume of the preorders that began from the 22nd has exceeded 30,000. Since the day of its release is more than a week away, the officials and Rain himself are screaming for joy."

This new album of Rain means that he returns to work as a singer, a year and a half after his 5th album 'Rainism' in October, 2008.

His official website homepage at the time where the teaser for the album was released at 12 am on the 23rd, passed the fifty thousand mark for simultaneous log-ins. Also, 12 hours after the release, it received an average of more than one hundred thousand hits and that means it is receiving a lot of attention from his fans.

Rain's special album will be released on & off line at the same time on the 1st of next month.

Source: Sports Hankook
Brief translation credit: rain

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