Saturday, November 14, 2009

[Fan Account] Ninja Assassin NYC Autography Event at Giant Robot

I've just came back from the Ninja Assassin promotional event in NYC. It was an autography party held at the store of Giant Robot Magazine located at lower East side of Manhattan. I met Jeslyn after work and arrived there together at about 7:50pm I guess. Giant Robot put a row of Ninja Assassin posters on the window, which's the best way for us to recognize that's the place to meet our man Mr. Rain. There were about 20 people already lining up in front of the store. The first 7 or 8 people were African American, and the rest were Asian. Staff of the Giant Robot gave out posters and they took pictures of people standing in line. We also got some shots by him with a poster holding in my hand. The line kept growing by the time we're waiting for him and I sometimes looked back to check the people behind me. However, because the store is located in a dark street, I couldn't really tell how many people behind me and couldn't even see the end of it. The only thing I could tell is those people within my visible area were about 70% female and 30% male with a mixed of Black, White, and Asian. Rain fans' ratio is longer 99% female vs. 1% male. Our Rain successfully gains some male fans.

The event was supposed to start at 8:30pm. The lady from WB arrived a bit earlier than that with an Asian guy. I'm not sure if he's a staff member from WB or J.Tune. Few minutes after, our Rain hasn't come yet but rain started to fall on us. Yap, it started to shower. You know this always happens, where ever our Rain goes, rain follows. So we stayed in cold, in wind and in moist for another 15 minutes, rain stopped and our Rain finally arrived.

He was wearing a dark blue almost black suit with red shirt and had sunglasses on. We said 'Hi', screamed, kept calling 'Rain' and some 'Bi' while he was walking toward the store from his van. Our voices were extremely loud especially in this quiet and dark street. Then the autography started as soon as he was ready. When the African American groups came out, all of them came out with a signed Ninja Assassin poster and I saw one of the guys was holding 3 signed CD's in his hand. One was Rain’s 3rd album 'It's Raining', one was the 4th one 'Rain's World' according to its size, and the third one I couldn’t tell. Hum, I think he should be a big Rain fan~

Honestly, I didn't know it would be an autography party. According to the ad of this event, I thought it would be something like Rain showing up in the store, taking pictures and that's all. Therefore, I bought his Rainism Recollection album and a photo book with me to see if he would have a chance to sign for me. Our Rain is always an angel, he signed everything I gave him and of course I also got his signed poster with my name on it. He was so cute tonight. When I was spelling my name for him, he spelled each of the letters after me. By the time he finished writing the last letter, he said my name out loud. I felt he's like a little kid learning a new word, after spelling the word then said it out load to proof he knows the word. He's too adorable! I love to hear him speaking in English. After that, of course I would never miss any chance to have a handshake with him. Last time I got my right hand shook, this time I gave him my left hand. Because I was standing in cold and wind outside for a while, my hand was icy cold, so when he gave me his hand, it was like a heater. His hand was so… warm and soft. This is what I need the most at that time.

Rain stayed there for about 30-45 minutes and signed for everyone. We waited for him outside and stood on both sides by the store's entrance as per his bodyguard requested. We all said 'bye' to him when he was getting into his van. Surprisingly, he took off his sunglasses, lowered the window and waved hand to us in his van. My eyes caught this moment perfectly but my camera was partially blocked by his bodyguard. It was able to capture only part of his waving hand. Too bad~ I can't keep this lovely moment with my camera.

After Rain left, we went back into the store and one of the staff gave a HUGH signed poster to an African American lady. He also gave me a roll of posters and the sharpie Rain used to sign all the posters tonight Right! That's the sharpie he held in hand for 30 minutes. When that guy handled it to me, it was un-capped. Dear Mr. Rain, you should cap it after use, otherwise it'll dry out! Anyway, I will never use it but keeping it as a treasure. Someone asked that guy what Rain said to him when he talked to Rain. He answered "Well, Rain said he would like to look more like me!" What a joke! LOL~ Then he added "He's really handsome, really!"

Then we took a group picture in the store for the magazine with our Rain signed stuff. What a coincidence. Jeslyn brought her Rainism and Rainism Asia Version albums for Rain to sign, and I brought my Rainism Recollection album and a photobook of his concert for his autographs. Therefore, we were holding the full set of Rainism albums, concert photobook, cuckoo's Rain lightboard, and Ninja Assassin posters in the picture. I feel we’re the best promotional team for Rain, aren't we?

Alright, that's all, hope is not too long for you to read~
It's time for me to continue my sweet dream~

Fan account by scorpiola@New York (2009/11/13)
Credit: Rainhk

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