Sunday, August 03, 2008

Rain will be promoting in Beijing

Speed Racer in theatres in China on August 10th, Rain wanted to come to Beijing to watch Liu Xiang

"Speed Racer" starring China actress, Yu Nan and popular Korean star, Rain, it will be in theatres in China on August 10th. Before the opening, Rain will come to China to attend promotion activities. Before this China trip, Rain recently accepted reporters' e-mail interview. He indicated this trip to Beijing is for the movie and the most excited thing is, it just catches up with the Olympic games. Rain said, "Last November, I met Liu Xiang in one of the event, after that time I became interested in his competition. If there is chance this time I wanted to go to the Olympic games to watch Liu Xiang's competition."

Played race driver role

"The feeling of sweating after exercise feels very good"

"Speed Racer" is directed by the Wachowski brothers. Rain played a race driver role who is very fond of driving. Although in living, Rain have not drive a race car but he expressed that he is crazy about driving, he likes the feeling of driving around because there are not many chance to drive in Korea so when he was shooting movies in America or Berlin, he droved outside by himself.

Since debut Rain had kept his very fit body shape, he expressed he is a "exercise superman", he likes almost all kinds of exercises. Other than driving he likes more riding bike. However compared to using gym equipments, he likes the most is running and working out at the gym, he said "the feeling of sweating after exercise feels very good".

Since Rain doesn't have race car driving experience, he expressed that there were some difficulties, even though most of the racing movements were done in front of the green screen, but to show face expressions in over speed thrilling moments were not easy. Rain said, "the racing scenes that the audience saw in the movie were actually produced through special computer effects, in order to act in the racing scenes I already done my best in front of the green screen." Rain expressed the most unforgettable thing was the high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius in the shooting place, he worn the thick racer costume, this made him dead-tired because he sweated nonstop. Rain said, "Lucky the director helped me a lot, one take I passed, finally they added more action scenes for me, I felt grateful for the director's trust on me."

Enters Hollywood

"Give up on difficulties then I will not arrive today"

From a Korean singer promoted as a Hollywood actor, this time Rain acted in "Speed Racer" was a big transformation. Rain said, "During my debut period, my biggest goal was to receive No.1 in music, after I received the grand award I started to enter Asia and obtained certain popularity in Asia, as a result I started to dream of entering America. One goal achieved will look forward to the next goal."

Rain told the reporter, when he was deciding to act in "Speed Racer" he worried his English, so he had been practicing with his assistant, later in the actual shooting place, he acted with Matthew Fox and they spoke the scripts together and he finally passed the lines. This Hollywood collaboration experience let him strengthen his continuation towards his dream of develop in Hollywood. Rain said, "when I was little I like to watch "Scarface", I was greatly touched on Al Pacino's performance in the movie. I hope my acting skills can be close up to him, if there is chance I would like to work with him."

Although "Speed Racer" is a Hollywood movie and directed by famous director, Wachowski brothers, but the box office in North America have not received the anticipated result. Regarding this Rain replied, "if I give up on difficulties then I will not arrive today."

According to Rain's introduction, his second movie "Ninja Assassin" ended shooting at the end of June, this is another Hollywood movie. He played an orphan, adopted by secret ninja organization and transformed as assassin, afterward witnessed his friends killed by some organization then he changed to a warrior who wish to revenge. Rain said, "for this movie I controlled my body shape strictly, everyday I had to train with the martial arts group, finally I had my body trained into fighting level and satisfactory shape, this movie planned to be shown in the beginning of next year."

Source: China Morning Newspaper
English Translation credit:

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