Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rain cheers for the Olympic at the Samsung pavilion

Samsung ambassador, Asia super star Rain visited the Samsung pavilion in the Olympic Rendezvous and experienced with green elements and the Olympic wireless communication technologies.

Rain saw the excitement atmosphere from the Olympic park, he said, "compared watching Olympic games on TV at home, coming to Beijing Olympic park could truly understand the excitement that Olympic games brought to the people. As a Samsung Olympic ambassador, I hope to devote more into the Olympics, at the same time I wish athletes from different countries receive good results and enjoy the excitement and challenges that the Olympic games brought to us."

Another ambassador of Samsung, Liu Xuan also appeared at the Samsung pavilion, this is her second time came to cheer for the Olympics. When asked how did she feel about the China female gymnastic team won gold medal, Liu Xuan with a joyful mood expressed, "although I miss having to leave the competition, but as a Samsung ambassador that allowed me to connect with Olympic again."

Afterward, Rain and Liu Xuan wrote down blessing words for the Olympics on a Samsung T-shirt.

Source: Sohu IT
English Translation Credit FollowRain@Rain-American

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