Friday, August 01, 2008

Rain and China collaborate to break in local entertainment market

International star, Rain will have China's largest scale website ( Tencent Inc.'s collaboration to win over the China market.

On July 31st, Rain's company J.Tune indicated, in order to establish strategic cooperation with Tencent Inc. Rain and (News network) will collaborate to setup star website.

According to research, in the first half of the year 2008, news network had over 8 billion registration users. This website's operation (communication tool "QQ") currently reaches 80% of market share in China.

J.Tune said, "Tencent Inc. sent the cooperation request to Rain, and we reached the agreement of setup its star website. This will include stars in China as well. Rain is the first artist to collaborate with to run its star website."

Tencent Inc. will provide Rain its website address ( and will display different slogans on related areas purpose is to bring out benefits. Rain's star website will be open at the end of August which is after the Beijing Olympic Games.

J.Tune planned from now on, through various services from news network, they will try to win over the China entertainment market.

Source: Edaily SPN
English Translation credit:

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