Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Vacation with Rain

July 27th Rain meets the fans

World star Rain will start his Asia activity by holding fan meeting on July 27th.
Rain's company indicated, "We will start from Korea on the 27th and will extent the activities to Asia." The fan meeting in Korea will be held on July 27th at 3pm in Olympic Hall in the Seoul Olympics park. The MC for this fan meeting will be Kim Jae Dong who has been Rain's fan meeting MC for the past 3 years. This fan meeting theme is called "Summer Vacation with Rain". The fan meeting will last approximately 2 hours.

Rain's company said, "On the day of the fan meeting, besides local fans there will be fans coming from China, Japan and other Asian countries as well. Approximately 3000 Asian fans gather together. Even though the fan meeting has not yet started but it already attract many local and foreign reporters' attention. Meanwhile, Rain is preparing for his new album right now."

Source: Innolife News
English Translation credit to Rain-America.com

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