Friday, July 25, 2008

Ninja Assassin Panel Coverage

Big balls action flick producer Joel Silver and a ninja movie, what’s not to like? Exactly. Nothing. Silver introduced the Ninja Assassin footage as something thrown together quickly since it wrapped a few weeks ago. Please don’t tell anyone outside of Comic Con, Silver pleaded. Joking? Who knows? Not like we’d comply anyways.

No worries. The film looks fun as all hell. And the footage provided made for a solid red-band teaser. Oh yes, there will be ludicrous amounts of blood.

It didn’t give any real sense of story (and who cares if it even has one when it’s got freakin’ ninjas). But it did roll out tid-bits involving ninja kids beat the crap out of one another, dozens of ninjas descending from the ceiling on a group of heavily armed individuals, laundry-mat sword fighting, slo-mo everything, flaming balls as room deco, car versus ninjas (looks like a draw), and a vicious face on urinal bashing.

Oh and apparently a shirtless Rain does hand-stand push-ups at some point in the movie. From the non-stop whistling and screaming, I’m guessing chicks dig Rain.

Ninja Assassins will bloody up the screen and make the Rain lovin’ girls faint early next year.

As shown on

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