Thursday, July 03, 2008

JCB Press Conference (Q&A)

June 30, 2008 Rain’s Fan Meeting in Japan held at the Tokyo JCB center

Rain: (said in Japanese) How are you, thank you for coming today.

MC: Long time no see, what have you been busy doing?

Rain: Because of “Speed Racer” and “Ninja Assassin” movie shooting so I couldn’t visit Japan. It has been a year I couldn’t see my Japanese fans, I don’t know what I can do for everyone so I decided to hold this fan meeting as a gift to my fans.

MC: Seem like you had gotten thinner?

Rain: Yes, because I had to shoot “Ninja Assassin” I lose 10kg of weight. The movie shooting had finished so I planned to adjust my body.

MC: It was said the movie shooting ended and you will release an album?

Rain: We estimated the new album to be release on October or maybe earlier on September. I planned to have activities in Seoul, Japan and China for a month, please look forward to it.

MC: Is this fan meeting free admission? Is new? How is it?

Rain: I saved up some money (smiled) so I decided to use it for this fan meeting as a gift to my fans.

Hyongi: Everyone applause for Rain, clap your hands!
Rain: Thank you.

MC: Seem like you saved up a lot of money (smiled), what are your activity plans in Japan?

Rain: From now on I wanted to present many good works to everyone. Not only English and Korean album, I also wanted to produce a Japanese album. Because of the activities in Hollywood and album activities in the World, I am sorry I couldn’t always meet with everyone. Since I am still young I wanted to try out many things (smiled). From now on I will work hard on Japan activities, please show your support.

Q: I heard there were love scene in the movie “Ninja Assassin”

Rain: The movie's central parts were the action scenes but also with some sad parts. I only can reveal a little, I had a crying scene, please look forward to it.

Q: You have been active for a year, what were some things that you felt you have changed?

Rain: I think lines in my forehead increased (smiled), I probably grew up a lot.

Q: More specific?

Rain: I felt more confident. Even though my Hollywood movie have not officially released yet. I had to live alone left my friends but I had serious thoughts on every little things. Then, I missed my fans in Asia. I chose the path that is not easy, I chose this path to challenge myself. In “Ninja Assassin” you will see my spirit of challenge. For example, you knew I love to eat, because of body training I could only eat chicken breast and vegetable, I am not allow to eat other food. Before I came here, I finally satisfied that I ate a regular meal, that difficult. (in Japanese) honto (smiled).

Q: Did your schedule in Japan engage in nationwide activities? You are not going to Fukuoka?

Rain: I have not decided yet, I am not confirmed with the places but if there were supporters I will go.

Q: How did you survive the difficulties such as loneliness where you can’t meet your friends and the meal restrictions?

Rain: 3 things. First is my family. Family always been my power. Then is my pride. I hope to become my supporters’ proud. Like before, when I had activities in Korea or Asia possible that I can live more relaxed, going to America is a new challenge in my life. If my fans feel proud because supporting me it will make me feel proud of myself as well. Lastly is my ambition, I wanted to gain the victory feeling and challenge myself into the next level.

Q: What were the differences between Korean movie and Hollywood movie?

Rain: The passion of the movie from the directors and the staffs are the same in Korea and Hollywood. However, the capital investments of the two were different.

Q: Can you tell a little story about your “Speed Racer” colleagues?

Rain: Susan Sarandon, I respected her since I was young. I was happy to meet her in real person. Her son is the same age as me, such relationship was special to me. When I was still learning English and everybody instructed me kindly. Especially Susan, it was a very happy time. I still felt like to dream when I had the chance to work with many famous actors.

Because of the “Ninja Assassin” role, Rain had lose 10kg of weight. It was said that after the movie ended, he will produce a Korean album and will engage in activities in Japan and China.


English Translation:

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