Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rain Sends Hope To A Young Brain Tumor Patient

Singer Rain has sent hope to a young female fan suffering from a brain tumor. He participated in an international book activity that "sends hope to children with terminal illnesses" and sent a fan battling with brain tumor a book and an autographed CD. This is an activity that sends out the message of dream and hope to children with terminal illnesses. Rain took time aside while shooting his Hollywood movie "Ninja Assassin" in Berlin to prepare her gift. Rain's management company stated, "The autographed book and CD was given to the young patient, while a few other autographed books and CDs will be given to readers through a drawing. Money collected from this drawing via the participation of regular readers will go towards this young patient's medical needs." Apart from Rain, FT Island, SS502, and other entertainers are among the participants. On the 14th Rain will start his (online) network participation for this activitiy.
Zheng Qinghua/article

*Deb's Note:
In another similar [MyDaily] article, it stated that the patient is an 18 year-old. It also stated that Rain hopes that through his own participation in this activity, he will be able to encourage others to do likewise for the benefit of these children.

EDIT: Found out that it's through Make-A-Wish Foundation in Korea.

Source: MyDaily
Posted by azafighting@RainHK
Translated & edited by dsl99a@SexyBi & Rain-USA
As shown on Soompi

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