Saturday, September 01, 2007

Rain returns to Korea to give new Image to advertisement

Rain, upon completing his film shoot in Germany and being away for 2 months, returned to South Korea on the 31st. Previously Rain was in Germany's Berlin filming his new movie 'Speed Racer' in which he plays a Japanese race car driver.

Rain had originally planned on returning on the 27th, but the film shoot was extended for another 4 days. It is reported that even after he returns he will be unable to rest. His advertisement shoots and domestic traveling schedules will go nonstop.
Not too long ago Rain was elected to become a spokesperson for a famous world brand jeans. The company indicated, "This brand has been established since the beginning by Brooke Shields, and supermodels such as Kate Moss have established a even newer image. This time we are choosing one of the most traditional and modern kind of male star as our model, and the American side of the company is highly anticipating this."
In this advertisement Rain will be showing off tattoos, blond hair (perhaps streaked) and muscles. The photoshoot will start from the beginning of September, and in the middle of a 10-day period the magazine ad should be available to the public.

Source: Sina Entertainment

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